

The discovery of the principles of thermodynamics for classical systems was a great advance of 19th century physics. However, for quantum systems, the role of these principles are still very poorly understood. In recent years there have been great advances in the control and observation of heat, work and information in experiments on quantum systems. These provide an ideal testbed for the theories of quantum thermodynamics, and will help clarify the definition and interplay of entropy, information, heat and work in quantum mechanics.

This conference is gathering experts in the fields of quantum thermodynamics and quantum information, both theorists and experimentalists. The goal of the event is to foster crossed fertilization between the different communities.  Potential experiments in the field will be particularly considered, building on the wide range of devices able to process quantum information, whose recent developments have been spectacular.

How to participate?

We welcome contributions. Please follow this link for instructions.


For specific questions regarding COST reimbursement, please contact marion_1.png

For questions regarding the conference in general, please contact qthermo_1.png

Organisation and Funding

This conference is being organised by the COST MP1209 network "Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime". The lead organisers on behalf of the network are Alexia Auffèves and Benjamin Huard (CNRS France).


INPG         UJF
Féderation Döblin


Local organizing committee

Alexia Auffèves (Grenoble, France)

Maxime Clusel (Montpellier, France)

Benjamin Huard (Paris, France)

Sebastien Tanzilli (Nice, France)

Rob Whitney (Grenoble, France)

Program committee

Jukka Pekola (Aalto, Finland) (Chair)

Alexia Auffèves (Grenoble, France)

Benjamin Huard (Paris, France)

Géraldine Haack (Grenoble, France)

Mauro Paternostro (Belfast, UK)

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